It is used to lubricate all kinds of slippery surfaces exposed to high pressure. It is used especially in cases where oscillating movements and sliding speed are insufficient, such as screw and bolt connections, which are made of all kinds of metals. The product is also used to prevent slippage due to heat in gear connections such as combustion engines and turbines, where heat is involved. Anti seize ceramic spray is used on screws, bolts, flanges, and in the refinery sector, as in steel and cement works, in ship transport, in agricultural machinery construction, to lubricate and provide excellent protection against corrosion. It is also used to provide It is suitable for use in the temperature range of -20°C to + 1500°C. In addition to being resistant to hot and cold water, the product is also resistant to many acids and solvents. Anti-seize ceramic spray does not contain metal, graphite and sulfur additives. Usage: Our statements are purely recommendations based on our experience and no liability can be accepted for any damage that may occur without preliminary testing. Clean the surface to be used from all kinds of waste. Shake the can vigorously before use and spray the product in a thin even layer from a distance of 20-25 cm from the surface.